


  • Context consumers will re-render when the value on the Provider changes.
  • All of them will re-render, even if they don’t use the part of the value that actually changed.
  • Those re-renders can’t be prevented with memoization (easily).


const NavigationController = ({ children }) => {
  const [isNavExpanded, setIsNavExpanded] = useState();
  const toggle = () => setIsNavExpanded(!isNavExpanded);

  const value = { isNavExpanded, toggle };

  return (
    <Context.Provider value={value}>

const useNavigation = () => useContext(Context);

每次value改变的时候, 使用useNavigation的组件都会重新渲染。这很正常,但是如果是因为其他原因,导致value改变呢?比如

const Layout = ({ children }) => {
  const [scroll, setScroll] = useState();
  useEffect(() => {
    window.addEventListener('scroll', () => { setScroll(window.scrollY);}); 

  return (
      <div className="layout">{children}</div>

现在,只要window滚动,就会造成NavigationController重新渲染, NavigationController重新渲染导致value重新创建,导致依赖value的组件重新渲染。


const NavigationController = ({ children }) => {
  const [isNavExpanded, setIsNavExpanded] = useState();

  const toggle = useCallback(() => { 
  }, [isNavExpanded]);
  const value = useMemo(() => { 
    return { isNavExpanded, toggle };
  }, [isNavExpanded, toggle]);
  return (
    <Context.Provider value={value}>


import React, { ReactNode, useCallback, useContext, useEffect, useMemo, useState } from 'react';

import { AnotherVerySlowComponent, VerySlowComponent } from './components/very-slow-component';
import './styles.scss';

const Context = React.createContext({
  isNavExpanded: false,
  toggle: () => {},
  close: () => {},
  open: () => {},

const NavigationController = ({ children }: { children: ReactNode }) => {
  const [isNavExpanded, setIsNavExpanded] = useState(false);

  const toggle = useCallback(() => {
  }, [isNavExpanded]);

  const open = useCallback(() => {
  }, []);
  const close = useCallback(() => {
  }, []);
  const value = useMemo(() => {
    return { isNavExpanded, toggle, close, open };
  }, [isNavExpanded, toggle, close, open]);

  return <Context.Provider value={value}>{children}</Context.Provider>;

const useNavigation = () => useContext(Context);

const AdjustableColumnsBlock = () => {
  const { isNavExpanded } = useNavigation();
  return isNavExpanded ? <div>two block items here</div> : <div>three block items here</div>;

const withNavigationOpen = (AnyComponent: any) => {
  // wrap the component from the arguments in React.memo here
  const AnyComponentMemo = React.memo(AnyComponent);

  return (props: any) => {
    const { open } = useContext(Context);

    // return memoized component here
    // now it won't re-render because of Context changes
    // make sure that whatever is passed as props here don't change between re-renders!
    return <AnyComponentMemo {...props} openNav={open} />;

const MainPart = withNavigationOpen(({ openNav }: { openNav: () => void }) => {
  useEffect(() => {
    // won't be triggered when context value changes
    // because toggleNav is coming from memoized HOC'Main part re-render');

  return (
        <button onClick={openNav}>click to expand nav - inside heavy component</button>
      <VerySlowComponent />
      <AnotherVerySlowComponent />
      <AdjustableColumnsBlock />

const ExpandButton = () => {
  const { isNavExpanded, toggle } = useNavigation();

  useEffect(() => {'Button that uses Context re-renders');

  return <button onClick={toggle}>{isNavExpanded ? 'collapse <' : 'expand >'}</button>;

const SidebarLayout = ({ children }: { children: ReactNode }) => {
  const { isNavExpanded } = useNavigation();
  return (
    <div className="left" style={{ flexBasis: isNavExpanded ? '50%' : '20%' }}>

const Sidebar = () => {
  return (
      {/* this one will control the expand/collapse */}
      <ExpandButton />

          <a href="#">some links</a>

const Layout = ({ children }: { children: ReactNode }) => {
  const [scroll, setScroll] = useState(0);

  useEffect(() => {
    window.addEventListener('scroll', () => {
  }, []);

  return (
      <div className="three-layout">{children}</div>

const Page = () => {
  return (
      <Sidebar />
      <MainPart />

export default function App() {
  return (
      <h3>Very slow "Page" component - click on expand/collapse to toggle nav</h3>
      <p>Scrolling causes re-render of everything that uses Context</p>
      <Page />



造成这个问题的原因是withNavigationOpen中使用了useContext(Context), 由于isNavExpanded改变,导致Context的value变化,AnyComponent就会重新渲染,但是open其实是不依赖于isNavExpanded,所以AnyComponent加上memo后,props和openNav没有变化,就不会重新渲染了。

const withNavigationOpen = (AnyComponent: any) => {
  // wrap the component from the arguments in React.memo here
  const AnyComponentMemo = React.memo(AnyComponent);

  return (props: any) => {
    const { open } = useContext(Context);

    // return memoized component here
    // now it won't re-render because of Context changes
    // make sure that whatever is passed as props here don't change between re-renders!
    return <AnyComponentMemo {...props} openNav={open} />;