根据6.3 计时器中的描述,Golang Timer的设计经历了如下阶段:
- Go 1.9 版本之前,所有的计时器由全局唯一的四叉堆维护;
- Go 1.10 ~ 1.13,全局使用 64 个四叉堆维护全部的计时器,每个处理器(P)创建的计时器会由对应的四叉堆维护;
- Go 1.14 版本之后,每个处理器单独管理计时器并通过网络轮询器触发;
- Go 1.9 版本之前由于使用全局的四叉堆,在多核情况下会出现锁竞争导致性能问题
- Go 1.10 ~ 1.13使用了64个四叉堆,有每个P来维护对应的四叉堆,相当于将锁的粒度减小,但是当timer在未到时间和到时间需要执行进行切换的时候,会发生P和M的绑定和解绑,尤其是当timer触发时间间隔比较小的情况下,会导致CPU占用过高,M/P切换的开销增加(TODO 为什么会发生P和M的绑定和解绑)
- Go 1.14 版本后每个P管理计时器四叉堆,由网络轮询器和调度器进行触发
我使用的是Go 1.16的版本进行分析
func TestTimer(t *testing.T) {
timer := time.NewTimer(time.Second)
// for tm := range timer.C {
// t.Log(tm)
// timer.Reset(time.Second)
// }
var ch chan int
for {
select {
case tm := <-timer.C:
case <-ch:
func TestAfter(t *testing.T) {
var ch chan int
select {
case tm := <-time.After(time.Second):
case <-ch:
func TestAfterFunc(t *testing.T) {
var ch chan int
timer := time.AfterFunc(time.Second, func() {
ch <- 0
defer timer.Stop()
func TestTicker(t *testing.T) {
ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Second)
var ch chan int
for {
select {
case tm := <-ticker.C:
case <-ch:
func NewTicker(d Duration) *Ticker {
if d <= 0 {
panic(errors.New("non-positive interval for NewTicker"))
// Give the channel a 1-element time buffer.
// If the client falls behind while reading, we drop ticks
// on the floor until the client catches up.
c := make(chan Time, 1)
t := &Ticker{
C: c,
r: runtimeTimer{
when: when(d),
period: int64(d),
f: sendTime,
arg: c,
return t
func TestTick(t *testing.T) {
for tm := range time.Tick(time.Second) {
需要注意的是,在for循环中使用的时候需要考虑是否会造成timer的泄漏;具体的示例分析可以参考 Go 内存泄露之痛,这篇把 Go timer.After 问题根因讲透了!
func NewTimer(d Duration) *Timer {
c := make(chan Time, 1)
t := &Timer{
C: c,
r: runtimeTimer{
when: when(d),
f: sendTime,
arg: c,
return t
type timer struct {
// If this timer is on a heap, which P's heap it is on.
// puintptr rather than *p to match uintptr in the versions
// of this struct defined in other packages.
pp puintptr // 当前P的指针
// Timer wakes up at when, and then at when+period, ... (period > 0 only)
// each time calling f(arg, now) in the timer goroutine, so f must be
// a well-behaved function and not block.
// when must be positive on an active timer.
when int64 // 当前计时器被唤醒的时间
period int64 // 两次被唤醒的间隔
f func(interface{}, uintptr) // 每当计时器被唤醒时都会调用的函数
arg interface{} // 计时器被唤醒时调用 f 传入的参数
seq uintptr
// What to set the when field to in timerModifiedXX status.
nextwhen int64 // 计时器处于 timerModifiedXX 状态时,用于设置 when 字段;
// The status field holds one of the values below.
status uint32 // 计时器的状态
// 把 t 添加到 timer 堆
// startTimer adds t to the timer heap.
//go:linkname startTimer time.startTimer
func startTimer(t *timer) {
if raceenabled {
// addtimer adds a timer to the current P.
// This should only be called with a newly created timer.
// That avoids the risk of changing the when field of a timer in some P's heap,
// which could cause the heap to become unsorted.
func addtimer(t *timer) {
// when must be positive. A negative value will cause runtimer to
// overflow during its delta calculation and never expire other runtime
// timers. Zero will cause checkTimers to fail to notice the timer.
if t.when <= 0 {
throw("timer when must be positive")
if t.period < 0 {
throw("timer period must be non-negative")
if t.status != timerNoStatus { // 添加新的timer必须是timerNoStatus
throw("addtimer called with initialized timer")
t.status = timerWaiting
when := t.when
pp := getg().m.p.ptr()
doaddtimer(pp, t)
// 清理堆顶部的timer,与adjusttimers方法类似,只是adjusttimers会遍历搜索的timers
// 注意cleantimers清理的是堆顶部的timer,只要顶部是timerDeleted,timerModifiedEarlier/timerModifiedLater的timer都会处理
// 处理完后会调整堆,再处理堆顶部的timer,所以不只是处理1个timer,
// 当堆前面的timer是timerDeleted,timerModifiedEarlier/timerModifiedLater状态的时候都会进行处理
// adjusttimers不管是什么状态的timer,都会便利处理一遍
// cleantimers会出现下面2种状态的变化,也就是清除已经删除的,移动timer0
// timerDeleted -> timerRemoving -> timerRemoved
// timerModifiedEarlier/timerModifiedLater -> timerMoving -> timerWaiting
func cleantimers(pp *p) {
gp := getg()
for {
if len(pp.timers) == 0 {
// This loop can theoretically run for a while, and because
// it is holding timersLock it cannot be preempted.
// If someone is trying to preempt us, just return.
// We can clean the timers later.
if gp.preemptStop {
t := pp.timers[0] // 堆顶,when最小,最早发生的timer
if t.pp.ptr() != pp {
throw("cleantimers: bad p")
switch s := atomic.Load(&t.status); s {
case timerDeleted:
// timerDeleted --> timerRemoving --> 从堆中删除timer --> timerRemoved
if !atomic.Cas(&t.status, s, timerRemoving) {
if !atomic.Cas(&t.status, timerRemoving, timerRemoved) {
atomic.Xadd(&pp.deletedTimers, -1)
case timerModifiedEarlier, timerModifiedLater: // TODO 如果modTimer将非timer0的when改成了比timer0更先触发的时候是怎么处理的
// timerMoving --> 调整 timer 的时间 --> timerWaiting
// 此时 timer 被调整为更早或更晚,将原先的 timer 进行删除,再重新添加
if !atomic.Cas(&t.status, s, timerMoving) {
// Now we can change the when field.
t.when = t.nextwhen
// Move t to the right position.
// 删除原来的
// 然后再重新添加
doaddtimer(pp, t)
if s == timerModifiedEarlier {
atomic.Xadd(&pp.adjustTimers, -1) // 如果t0之前是timerModifiedEarlier,因为已经调整了t0,所以需要将adjustTimers减1
if !atomic.Cas(&t.status, timerMoving, timerWaiting) {
// Head of timers does not need adjustment.
cleantimers(pp *p)方法会循环处理堆顶部是timerDeleted,timerModifiedEarlier/timerModifiedLater的timer
- 如果是timerDeleted,说明timer已经取消了,从timers堆中删除,重新调整timers堆
- 如果是timerModifiedEarlier/timerModifiedLater,说明timer的时间发生改变,修改timer的when字段,删除之前的timer,重新添加新的timer
cleantimers(pp *p)方法只是对p中的timers堆做了一些清理调整的工作,真正添加是doaddtimer方法
// doaddtimer adds t to the current P's heap.
// The caller must have locked the timers for pp.
func doaddtimer(pp *p, t *timer) {
// Timers依赖network poller,确保netpoll经初始化了
// Timers rely on the network poller, so make sure the poller
// has started.
if netpollInited == 0 {
if t.pp != 0 { // 创建timer时没有绑定p,如果p存在的话属于异常情况
throw("doaddtimer: P already set in timer")
t.pp.set(pp) // timer绑定到当前P的堆上
i := len(pp.timers)
pp.timers = append(pp.timers, t)
siftupTimer(pp.timers, i) // 调整4叉堆
if t == pp.timers[0] { // 如果新加入的timer是当前p中最新触发的,将t.when保存到pp.timer0When
atomic.Store64(&pp.timer0When, uint64(t.when))
atomic.Xadd(&pp.numTimers, 1)
// wakeNetPoller wakes up the thread sleeping in the network poller if it isn't
// going to wake up before the when argument; or it wakes an idle P to service
// timers and the network poller if there isn't one already.
func wakeNetPoller(when int64) {
if atomic.Load64(&sched.lastpoll) == 0 {
// In findrunnable we ensure that when polling the pollUntil
// field is either zero or the time to which the current
// poll is expected to run. This can have a spurious wakeup
// but should never miss a wakeup.
pollerPollUntil := int64(atomic.Load64(&sched.pollUntil))
if pollerPollUntil == 0 || pollerPollUntil > when { // 网络轮询器poll > timer的触发时间,立即唤醒netpoll
} else {
// There are no threads in the network poller, try to get
// one there so it can handle new timers.
if GOOS != "plan9" { // Temporary workaround - see issue #42303.
// netpollBreak interrupts a kevent.
func netpollBreak() {
if atomic.Cas(&netpollWakeSig, 0, 1) {
for {
var b byte
n := write(netpollBreakWr, unsafe.Pointer(&b), 1)
if n == 1 || n == -_EAGAIN {
if n == -_EINTR {
println("runtime: netpollBreak write failed with", -n)
throw("runtime: netpollBreak write failed")
wakeNetPoller方法其实就是向netpoll初始化的全局epfd文件描述符写入了数据(epfd和golang netpoll有关,想了解netpoll的请自行了解)。主要目的是为了唤醒netpoll
// Stop prevents the Timer from firing.
// It returns true if the call stops the timer, false if the timer has already
// expired or been stopped.
// Stop does not close the channel, to prevent a read from the channel succeeding
// incorrectly.
// To ensure the channel is empty after a call to Stop, check the
// return value and drain the channel.
// For example, assuming the program has not received from t.C already:
// if !t.Stop() {
// <-t.C
// }
// This cannot be done concurrent to other receives from the Timer's
// channel or other calls to the Timer's Stop method.
// For a timer created with AfterFunc(d, f), if t.Stop returns false, then the timer
// has already expired and the function f has been started in its own goroutine;
// Stop does not wait for f to complete before returning.
// If the caller needs to know whether f is completed, it must coordinate
// with f explicitly.
func (t *Timer) Stop() bool {
if t.r.f == nil {
panic("time: Stop called on uninitialized Timer")
return stopTimer(&t.r)
// Stop turns off a ticker. After Stop, no more ticks will be sent.
// Stop does not close the channel, to prevent a concurrent goroutine
// reading from the channel from seeing an erroneous "tick".
func (t *Ticker) Stop() {
// stopTimer stops a timer.
// It reports whether t was stopped before being run.
//go:linkname stopTimer time.stopTimer
func stopTimer(t *timer) bool {
return deltimer(t)
// 返回的是这个timer在执行前被移除的,已经执行过了就返回false,还没有执行就返回true
// deltimer deletes the timer t. It may be on some other P, so we can't
// actually remove it from the timers heap. We can only mark it as deleted.
// It will be removed in due course by the P whose heap it is on.
// Reports whether the timer was removed before it was run.
func deltimer(t *timer) bool {
for {
switch s := atomic.Load(&t.status); s {
case timerWaiting, timerModifiedLater: // timer还没启动或修改为更晚的时间
// Prevent preemption while the timer is in timerModifying.
// This could lead to a self-deadlock. See #38070.
mp := acquirem()
// timerWaiting/timerModifiedLater --> timerModifying --> timerDeleted
if atomic.Cas(&t.status, s, timerModifying) { // TODO 为什么要先切换为timerModifying
// Must fetch t.pp before changing status,
// as cleantimers in another goroutine
// can clear t.pp of a timerDeleted timer.
tpp := t.pp.ptr()
if !atomic.Cas(&t.status, timerModifying, timerDeleted) { // 置为timerDeleted状态
atomic.Xadd(&tpp.deletedTimers, 1)
// Timer was not yet run.
return true
} else { // 修改为timerModifying失败,说明t的状态已经不再是timerWaiting, timerModifiedLater了
releasem(mp) // 下一次再来处理
case timerModifiedEarlier:
// Prevent preemption while the timer is in timerModifying.
// This could lead to a self-deadlock. See #38070.
mp := acquirem()
// timerModifiedEarlier --> timerModifying --> timerDeleted
if atomic.Cas(&t.status, s, timerModifying) {
// Must fetch t.pp before setting status
// to timerDeleted.
tpp := t.pp.ptr()
atomic.Xadd(&tpp.adjustTimers, -1) // timerModifiedEarlier的timer被stop了,所以需要将adjustTimers-1
if !atomic.Cas(&t.status, timerModifying, timerDeleted) {
atomic.Xadd(&tpp.deletedTimers, 1)
// Timer was not yet run.
return true
} else {
releasem(mp) // 下一次再来处理
case timerDeleted, timerRemoving, timerRemoved:
// Timer was already run.
// Timer 已经运行
return false
case timerRunning, timerMoving:
// 正在执行或被移动了,等待完成,下一次再来处理
// The timer is being run or moved, by a different P.
// Wait for it to complete.
case timerNoStatus:
// Removing timer that was never added or
// has already been run. Also see issue 21874.
return false
case timerModifying:
// 同时调用了deltimer,modtimer;等待其他调用完成,下一次再来处理
// Simultaneous calls to deltimer and modtimer.
// Wait for the other call to complete.
timerWaiting, timerModifiedLater → timerModifying → timerDeleted
如果要停止的timer状态是timerWaiting, timerModifiedLater,说明timer还没有执行,将状态切换成timerModifying改变中,最后将状态切换成timerDeleted
timerModifiedEarlier → timerModifying –> timerDeleted
timerDeleted, timerRemoving, timerRemoved → 什么都不做
timerRunning, timerMoving → 等待操作完成
timerNoStatus → 直接返回
timerModifying → 等待操作完成
// We don't permit calling addtimer/deltimer/modtimer/resettimer simultaneously, // but adjusttimers and runtimer can be called at the same time as any of those.
deltimer并没有从 四叉堆中删除timer,只是将timer的状态切换成timerDeleted,这个是为什么?
// deltimer deletes the timer t. It may be on some other P, so we can't // actually remove it from the timers heap. We can only mark it as deleted. // It will be removed in due course by the P whose heap it is on.
deltimer删除的timer可能在其他P上,以为调度循环的 时候不仅会从其他P上偷G,还会偷timer,所以只是对timer进行标记,在timer所在的P中,通过 cleantimers/adjusttimers等方法来真正从堆中删除
// modtimer modifies an existing timer.
// This is called by the netpoll code or time.Ticker.Reset or time.Timer.Reset.
// Reports whether the timer was modified before it was run.
func modtimer(t *timer, when, period int64, f func(interface{}, uintptr), arg interface{}, seq uintptr) bool {
if when <= 0 {
throw("timer when must be positive")
if period < 0 {
throw("timer period must be non-negative")
status := uint32(timerNoStatus)
wasRemoved := false
var pending bool
var mp *m
for {
switch status = atomic.Load(&t.status); status {
case timerWaiting, timerModifiedEarlier, timerModifiedLater:
// Prevent preemption while the timer is in timerModifying.
// This could lead to a self-deadlock. See #38070.
mp = acquirem()
// timerWaiting, timerModifiedEarlier, timerModifiedLater --> timerModifying
if atomic.Cas(&t.status, status, timerModifying) {
pending = true // timer not yet run
break loop
case timerNoStatus, timerRemoved:
// Prevent preemption while the timer is in timerModifying.
// This could lead to a self-deadlock. See #38070.
mp = acquirem()
// Timer was already run and t is no longer in a heap.
// Act like addtimer.
// timerNoStatus, timerRemoved --> timerModifying
if atomic.Cas(&t.status, status, timerModifying) {
wasRemoved = true
pending = false // timer already run or stopped
break loop
case timerDeleted:
// Prevent preemption while the timer is in timerModifying.
// This could lead to a self-deadlock. See #38070.
mp = acquirem()
// timerDeleted --> timerModifying
if atomic.Cas(&t.status, status, timerModifying) {
atomic.Xadd(&t.pp.ptr().deletedTimers, -1)
pending = false // timer already stopped
break loop
case timerRunning, timerRemoving, timerMoving:
// The timer is being run or moved, by a different P.
// Wait for it to complete.
osyield() // 等待状态改变
case timerModifying:
// Multiple simultaneous calls to modtimer.
// Wait for the other call to complete.
osyield() // 等待状态改变
t.period = period
t.f = f
t.arg = arg
t.seq = seq
if wasRemoved {
t.when = when
pp := getg().m.p.ptr()
doaddtimer(pp, t)
if !atomic.Cas(&t.status, timerModifying, timerWaiting) {
} else {
// The timer is in some other P's heap, so we can't change
// the when field. If we did, the other P's heap would
// be out of order. So we put the new when value in the
// nextwhen field, and let the other P set the when field
// when it is prepared to resort the heap.
t.nextwhen = when
newStatus := uint32(timerModifiedLater)
if when < t.when {
newStatus = timerModifiedEarlier
tpp := t.pp.ptr()
// Update the adjustTimers field. Subtract one if we
// are removing a timerModifiedEarlier, add one if we
// are adding a timerModifiedEarlier.
adjust := int32(0)
if status == timerModifiedEarlier {
if newStatus == timerModifiedEarlier {
updateTimerModifiedEarliest(tpp, when)
if adjust != 0 {
atomic.Xadd(&tpp.adjustTimers, adjust)
// Set the new status of the timer.
if !atomic.Cas(&t.status, timerModifying, newStatus) {
// If the new status is earlier, wake up the poller.
if newStatus == timerModifiedEarlier {
return pending
// 与cleantimers类似,只是 cleantimers 只处理队列头部的timer
// adjusttimers looks through the timers in the current P's heap for
// any timers that have been modified to run earlier, and puts them in
// the correct place in the heap. While looking for those timers,
// it also moves timers that have been modified to run later,
// and removes deleted timers. The caller must have locked the timers for pp.
func adjusttimers(pp *p, now int64) {
if atomic.Load(&pp.adjustTimers) == 0 {
if verifyTimers {
// There are no timers to adjust, so it is safe to clear
// timerModifiedEarliest. Do so in case it is stale.
// Everything will work if we don't do this,
// but clearing here may save future calls to adjusttimers.
atomic.Store64(&pp.timerModifiedEarliest, 0)
// If we haven't yet reached the time of the first timerModifiedEarlier
// timer, don't do anything. This speeds up programs that adjust
// a lot of timers back and forth if the timers rarely expire.
// We'll postpone looking through all the adjusted timers until
// one would actually expire.
if first := atomic.Load64(&pp.timerModifiedEarliest); first != 0 {
if int64(first) > now {
if verifyTimers {
// We are going to clear all timerModifiedEarlier timers.
atomic.Store64(&pp.timerModifiedEarliest, 0)
var moved []*timer
for i := 0; i < len(pp.timers); i++ {
t := pp.timers[i]
if t.pp.ptr() != pp {
throw("adjusttimers: bad p")
switch s := atomic.Load(&t.status); s {
case timerDeleted:
if atomic.Cas(&t.status, s, timerRemoving) {
dodeltimer(pp, i)
if !atomic.Cas(&t.status, timerRemoving, timerRemoved) {
atomic.Xadd(&pp.deletedTimers, -1)
// Look at this heap position again.
case timerModifiedEarlier, timerModifiedLater:
if atomic.Cas(&t.status, s, timerMoving) {
// Now we can change the when field.
t.when = t.nextwhen
// Take t off the heap, and hold onto it.
// We don't add it back yet because the
// heap manipulation could cause our
// loop to skip some other timer.
dodeltimer(pp, i)
moved = append(moved, t)
if s == timerModifiedEarlier {
if n := atomic.Xadd(&pp.adjustTimers, -1); int32(n) <= 0 {
break loop
// Look at this heap position again.
case timerNoStatus, timerRunning, timerRemoving, timerRemoved, timerMoving:
case timerWaiting:
// OK, nothing to do.
case timerModifying:
// Check again after modification is complete.
if len(moved) > 0 {
addAdjustedTimers(pp, moved)
if verifyTimers {
// runtimer 检查timers四叉堆顶部的timer
// runtimer examines the first timer in timers. If it is ready based on now,
// it runs the timer and removes or updates it.
// Returns 0 if it ran a timer, -1 if there are no more timers, or the time
// when the first timer should run.
// The caller must have locked the timers for pp.
// If a timer is run, this will temporarily unlock the timers.
func runtimer(pp *p, now int64) int64 {
for {
t := pp.timers[0]
if t.pp.ptr() != pp {
throw("runtimer: bad p")
switch s := atomic.Load(&t.status); s {
case timerWaiting:
if t.when > now { // 还没到时间执行
// Not ready to run.
return t.when
// 该执行这个timer了
if !atomic.Cas(&t.status, s, timerRunning) {
// Note that runOneTimer may temporarily unlock
// pp.timersLock.
runOneTimer(pp, t, now)
return 0
case timerDeleted: // 删除已经执行了的timer
if !atomic.Cas(&t.status, s, timerRemoving) {
if !atomic.Cas(&t.status, timerRemoving, timerRemoved) {
atomic.Xadd(&pp.deletedTimers, -1)
if len(pp.timers) == 0 {
return -1
case timerModifiedEarlier, timerModifiedLater: // 调整timerModifiedEarlier, timerModifiedLater timer的时间
if !atomic.Cas(&t.status, s, timerMoving) {
t.when = t.nextwhen
doaddtimer(pp, t)
if s == timerModifiedEarlier {
atomic.Xadd(&pp.adjustTimers, -1)
if !atomic.Cas(&t.status, timerMoving, timerWaiting) {
case timerModifying:
// Wait for modification to complete.
osyield() // 等到其他操作结束
case timerNoStatus, timerRemoved:
// Should not see a new or inactive timer on the heap.
case timerRunning, timerRemoving, timerMoving:
// These should only be set when timers are locked,
// and we didn't do it.
前面介绍的都是将 timer加入到 堆中,从堆中删除这些,那么timer时间到了,是怎么触发的呢?
// checkTimers runs any timers for the P that are ready.
// If now is not 0 it is the current time.
// It returns the current time or 0 if it is not known,
// and the time when the next timer should run or 0 if there is no next timer,
// and reports whether it ran any timers.
// If the time when the next timer should run is not 0,
// it is always larger than the returned time.
// We pass now in and out to avoid extra calls of nanotime.
func checkTimers(pp *p, now int64) (rnow, pollUntil int64, ran bool) {
// If it's not yet time for the first timer, or the first adjusted
// timer, then there is nothing to do.
next := int64(atomic.Load64(&pp.timer0When))
nextAdj := int64(atomic.Load64(&pp.timerModifiedEarliest))
if next == 0 || (nextAdj != 0 && nextAdj < next) {
next = nextAdj
if next == 0 { // 没有timer需要执行和调整
// No timers to run or adjust.
return now, 0, false
if now == 0 {
now = nanotime()
if now < next { // 最快的 timer还没到 执行的时间
// Next timer is not ready to run, but keep going
// if we would clear deleted timers.
// This corresponds to the condition below where
// we decide whether to call clearDeletedTimers.
if pp != getg().m.p.ptr() || int(atomic.Load(&pp.deletedTimers)) <= int(atomic.Load(&pp.numTimers)/4) {
return now, next, false
if len(pp.timers) > 0 {
adjusttimers(pp, now) // 删除已经执行的timer,调整timerModifiedEarlier 和 timerModifiedLater 的计时器的时间
for len(pp.timers) > 0 { // 执行所有到期的timer
// Note that runtimer may temporarily unlock
// pp.timersLock.
if tw := runtimer(pp, now); tw != 0 {
if tw > 0 {
pollUntil = tw
ran = true
// If this is the local P, and there are a lot of deleted timers,
// clear them out. We only do this for the local P to reduce
// lock contention on timersLock.
// 当前 Goroutine 的处理器和传入的处理器相同,并且处理器中删除的计时器是堆中计时器的 1/4 以上,
if pp == getg().m.p.ptr() && int(atomic.Load(&pp.deletedTimers)) > len(pp.timers)/4 {
return now, pollUntil, ran
系统监控函数 runtime.sysmon 也可能会触发函数的计时器,下面的代码片段中省略了大量与计时器无关的代码:
func sysmon() {
for {
now := nanotime()
next, _ := timeSleepUntil()
lastpoll := int64(atomic.Load64(&sched.lastpoll))
if netpollinited() && lastpoll != 0 && lastpoll+10*1000*1000 < now {
atomic.Cas64(&sched.lastpoll, uint64(lastpoll), uint64(now))
list := netpoll(0)
if !list.empty() {
if next < now {
startm(nil, false)
- 调用
获取计时器的到期时间以及持有该计时器的堆; - 如果超过 10ms 的时间没有轮询,调用
轮询网络; - 如果当前有应该运行的计时器没有执行,可能存在无法被抢占的处理器,这时我们应该启动新的线程处理计时器;
在上述过程中 [runtime.timeSleepUntil](https://draveness.me/golang/tree/runtime.timeSleepUntil)
// netpoll checks for ready network connections. // Returns list of goroutines that become runnable. // delay < 0: blocks indefinitely // delay == 0: does not block, just polls // delay > 0: block for up to that many nanoseconds // delay < 0 无限block等待 // delay == 0 不会block // delay block 最多delay时间 // runtime.netpoll 返回的 Goroutine 列表都会被 runtime.injectglist 注入到处理器或者全局的运行队列上。 // 因为系统监控 Goroutine 直接运行在线程上,所以它获取的 Goroutine 列表会直接加入全局的运行队列, // 其他 Goroutine 获取的列表都会加入 Goroutine 所在处理器的运行队列上。 func netpoll(delay int64) gList { if epfd == -1 { // 没有epfd 相当于netpoll没有初始化 return gList{} } var waitms int32 if delay < 0 { waitms = -1 } else if delay == 0 { waitms = 0 } else if delay < 1e6 { waitms = 1 } else if delay < 1e15 { waitms = int32(delay / 1e6) } else { // An arbitrary cap on how long to wait for a timer. // 1e9 ms == ~11.5 days. waitms = 1e9 } var events [128]epollevent retry: // 等待文件描述符转换成可读或者可写 n := epollwait(epfd, &events[0], int32(len(events)), waitms) if n < 0 { // 如果返回了负值,可能会返回空的 Goroutine 列表或者重新调用 epollwait 陷入等待: if n != -_EINTR { println("runtime: epollwait on fd", epfd, "failed with", -n) throw("runtime: netpoll failed") } // If a timed sleep was interrupted, just return to // recalculate how long we should sleep now. if waitms > 0 { return gList{} } goto retry } // 当 epollwait 系统调用返回的值大于 0 时,意味着被监控的文件描述符出现了待处理的事件 var toRun gList for i := int32(0); i < n; i++ { ev := &events[i] if ev.events == 0 { continue } // runtime.netpollBreak 触发的事件 if *(**uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(&ev.data)) == &netpollBreakRd { if ev.events != _EPOLLIN { println("runtime: netpoll: break fd ready for", ev.events) throw("runtime: netpoll: break fd ready for something unexpected") } if delay != 0 { // netpollBreak could be picked up by a // nonblocking poll. Only read the byte // if blocking. var tmp [16]byte read(int32(netpollBreakRd), noescape(unsafe.Pointer(&tmp[0])), int32(len(tmp))) atomic.Store(&netpollWakeSig, 0) } continue } // 另一种是其他文件描述符的正常读写事件 var mode int32 if ev.events&(_EPOLLIN|_EPOLLRDHUP|_EPOLLHUP|_EPOLLERR) != 0 { mode += 'r' } if ev.events&(_EPOLLOUT|_EPOLLHUP|_EPOLLERR) != 0 { mode += 'w' } if mode != 0 { pd := *(**pollDesc)(unsafe.Pointer(&ev.data)) pd.everr = false if ev.events == _EPOLLERR { pd.everr = true } netpollready(&toRun, pd, mode) } } return toRun }
draveness大佬文章的评论中也有人提到这个疑问,但是还是未能理解,我也加入 了讨论,期待后续的解答